A DAF A DAY- Country Yossi- Still On The Loose
(Originally Daisy a Day- Sung & Composed by Jud Strunk)

When I was a child, I remember
How at evening, my Daddy would go
To the Shteeble to learn, and when he’d return
He’d sing me this song he loved so.

Oh, just learn a-one daf a day, son,
Just learn Daf Yomi a day,
Siz nisht kein shpas
You’ll finish gantz Shas
If you just learn a-one daf a day.

But I was so young and so foolish
I wasted my time night and day
Ich veis nisht mit vus
Mit kol minei shtus
Forgetting what Daddy would say.

Oh, just learn a-one daf a day, son,
Just learn Daf Yomi a day,
Siz nisht kein shpas
You’ll finish gantz Shas
If you just learn a-one daf a day.

Well, as I got older and wiser
I went to the Shteeble each night
I learned seven years in the Daf Yomi shiur
And now I know Daddy was right.

Oh, just learn a-one daf a day, son,
Just learn Daf Yomi a day,
Siz nisht kein shpas
You’ll finish gantz Shas
If you just learn a-one daf a day.

Now, me and my son go together,
And I am so proud when we do,
Cause I give the shiur
To everyone there,
Then we all sing a chorus or two.

Oh, just learn a-one daf a day, son,
Just learn Daf Yomi a day,
Siz nisht kein shpas
You’ll finish gantz Shas
If you just learn a-one daf a day.