SHTEEBLE PEOPLE- Country Yossi- Still On The Loose
(Parody of “Come Dancing”- The Kinks- Composed By Ray Davies)
Oh, there’s a Shteeble that I can recommend,
Where everybody there will be your friend.
You’ll get Aliyah and some gefilte fish,
And lukshin kugel and cholent if you wish.
You’ll feel so heimish, this I guarantee,
Cause in this Shteeble, we’re one big family.
Come, join us, Shteeble people are the happiest around,
Everybody come join us, yeah, join the Shteeble crowd.
Oh, there’s the Rebbi, he knows how to learn a lot,
And there’s the Gabbai, he guards the cholent pot,
And there’s Reb Mendel who loves to give a pshet’l,
And there’s Reb Zundel who really loves the bret’l,
And every Shabbos morning Moishe Chaim wants to lein
Bur everybody laughs ven her tzubrecht de tzein.
Come, join us, Shteeble people are the happiest around,
Everybody come join us, yeah, join the Shteeble crowd.
So hurry up and come to the Shteeble,
They Daven Shacharis at 8,
But if the door is locked when you get there,
Don’t worry, ‘cause they always start late!
There’s gonna be a double Kiddush soon G-d willing,
Because the Rebbetzin just had ah tzvilling,
And old Reb Fishel, he smiles an awful lot,
Zain fetteh tuchter hut chassineh gehat,
Reb Motel Zelig bought some J&B today,
His son just passed the test to be ah CPA.
Come, join us, Shteeble people are the happiest around,
Everybody come join us, yeah, join the Shteeble crowd.