ALEF BEIS SONG- Sung & Composed by Country Yossi- Welcome Back Kivi and Tuki
Alef beis veis gimmel daled hey vav zayin ches, tes,
Yud kof chof lamed men nun samach ayin pey, fey,
Tzaddik kuf raish shin sin, tuf suf,
Now I know my Alef Beis, I can say it alef through tuf, suf.
Once you know this, you can learn the Torah day and night,
Learn it with a smile and with a song,
When you learn the Torah you will know what’s wrong and right,
Learning Middos that will make you strong.
(Ok, Tuki, here’s your chance to show Kaili what a fabulous memory you have!
I do have a photographic memory, you know!
Yeah, but unfortunately, you’re always out of film, Tuki!
Ok, here goes nothing…)
Alef Beis vey is mir give me dollars un ah shiur, ches, fres, (Oh no. Vey is mir? Fres?)
You’d cough lemon juice, someone tell me, vus is dus, payday, (Lemon Juice? Payday?)
Peekaboo, chrein, shim shim, puff puff, (Puff puff? Oh No…)
I don’t know my Alef Beis, this is really pretty rough stuff. (Oy gevalt)
(You know, Tuki, the Alef Beis isn’t just another ABC.
It’s not?
No. The Alef Beis was the first thing Hashem made when He created the world,
Like the Passuk says, Bereishis Bara Elokim Es,
In the beginning, Hashem created Es. Alef through Tuf. The Jewish Alphabet.
And with these holy letters He created the whole world.
So listen well. I’m gonna sing it one more time then you’ll try it. Ok Tuki?
Ok, Country Yossi!)
Alef beis veis gimmel daled hey vav zayin ches, tes,
Yud kof chof lamed men nun samach ayin pey, fey,
Tzaddik kuf raish shin sin, tuf suf,
Now I know my Alef Beis, I can say it alef through tuf, suf.
(Ok Tuki, your turn. Ready to try it?)
Country Yossi, how will I learn Torah day and night?
I don’t even know which way is up!
Country Yossi, I don’t even know what’s left or right,
Nothing gets through my farshtupte kup.
(I got an idea, Tuki.
Let’s see if we can develop that photographic memory of yours!
I’ll sing it one more time.)
Alef beis veis gimmel daled hey vav zayin ches, tes,
Yud kof chof lamed men nun samach ayin pey, fey,
Tzaddik kuf raish shin sin, tuf suf,
Now I know my Alef Beis, I can say it alef through tuf, suf.
(Ok, Tuki. You’re ready?
Ready? Yeah, like the captain of the Titanic!
Here goes…)
Alef beis veis gimmel daled hey vav zayin ches, tes,
(Now you got it Tuki!)
Yud kof chof lamed men nun samach ayin pey, fey,
(Atta boy, I knew you could do it!)
Tzaddik kuf raish shin sin, tuf suf, (Oisergevndlich!)
Now I know my Alef Beis, I can say it alef through tuf, suf.
(That’s terrific, Tuki! Let’s sing it together one more time.)
Alef beis veis gimmel daled hey vav zayin ches, tes,
Yud kof chof lamed men nun samach ayin pey, fey,
Tzaddik kuf raish shin sin, tuf suf,
Now I know my Alef Beis, I can say it alef through tuf, suf.
Now we know this, we can learn the Torah day and night,
Learn it with a smile and with a song,
When we learn the Torah, we will know what’s wrong and right,
Learning Middos that will make us strong,
Learning Middos that will make us strong,
Learning Middos that will make us strong.