BENJY- JEP- Composed by R’ Moshe Hauben, Lyrics by Elozer Halpert- JEP 4-Someday
Once there was a soldier and Benjy was his name
Since he joined the army, it hasn’t been the same,
All the men wore helmets and uniforms of gray
But Benjy wore a Kippah and Tzitzis anyway.
כִּי כִּי בְךָ
לְבַד בָּטָחְנוּ
,מֶלֶךְ קֵל רָם וְנִשָּׂא
כִּי כִּי בְךָ
לְבַד בָּטָחְנוּ
מֶלֶךְ קֵל רָם וְנִשָּׂא
Reveille was early right at the crack of dawn
The men lined up for roll call their faces pale and drawn.
But Benjy was all bouncy, he wasn’t feeling blah
He always got up early to say Krias Shema.
He once was taken prisoner, his captor had a knack
For torturing his captives until he made them crack.
He said, “Come on, start talking,” but Benjy answered, “Nope!
It’s time to Daven Mincha. Please untie my rope!”
כִּי כִּי בְךָ
לְבַד בָּטָחְנוּ
,מֶלֶךְ קֵל רָם וְנִשָּׂא
כִּי כִּי בְךָ
לְבַד בָּטָחְנוּ
מֶלֶךְ קֵל רָם וְנִשָּׂא
Benjy blew a siren before a sneak attack
His unit was alerted and beat the bombers back.
“Hey, Benjy, How’d ya know to blow before those planes were showing?”
It’s Rosh Hashanah morning. That’s a Shofar I was blowing!
כִּי כִּי בְךָ
לְבַד בָּטָחְנוּ
,מֶלֶךְ קֵל רָם וְנִשָּׂא
כִּי כִּי בְךָ
לְבַד בָּטָחְנוּ
מֶלֶךְ קֵל רָם וְנִשָּׂא
Benjy forgot his password one dark and dreary night
The Sentry roared, “Who goes there?” and gripped his rifle tight.
Benjy said, “Shema Yisrael Hashem Elokeinu!”
Replied the guard, “Hashem Echod!” and let him pass on through.
כִּי כִּי בְךָ
לְבַד בָּטָחְנוּ
,מֶלֶךְ קֵל רָם וְנִשָּׂא
כִּי כִּי בְךָ
לְבַד בָּטָחְנוּ
מֶלֶךְ קֵל רָם וְנִשָּׂא
Meals were very tasty but Benjy had his own
Kosher cheese and pickles and chocolate ice cream cones.
His buddies always snickered but he just laughed at them
Because he was enlisted in the army of Hashem.
כִּי כִּי בְךָ
לְבַד בָּטָחְנוּ
,מֶלֶךְ קֵל רָם וְנִשָּׂא
כִּי כִּי בְךָ
לְבַד בָּטָחְנוּ
מֶלֶךְ קֵל רָם וְנִשָּׂא