YESHIVISHE REID 2- Sung & Composed by Abie Rotenberg- Oorah’s Shmoorg 5

To originate a language, a new way to talk and speak,
is a most imposing challenge, a monumental feat.
It takes a special talent, ’tis not for the faint of heart,
and most are doomed to failure before they even start.

But in the hallowed halls of yeshivos far and wide,
our young men have discovered a new way to verbalize.
With Yiddish, English, Hebrew, it’s a mixture of all three,
and a dash of Aramaic- A linguistic potpourri!

Yeshivishe reid, Yeshivishe shprach!
Takeh, Epis, Gradeh, ah gevaldige zach!
It’s called Yeshivishe reid, Yeshivishe shprach,
it’s the talk of the town, Mamesh tug un nacht!

Got a call on my cell, the shadchan’s on the line,
with kesher to a Maidel who is Aidel, sweet & fine.
I told her it’s not shayich, though I’d really like to meet her,
call me back on Tu Bishvat when I’m out of the freezer!

Yeshivishe reid, Yeshivishe shprach!
Takeh, Epis, Gradeh, ah gevaldige zach!
It’s called Yeshivishe reid, Yeshivishe shprach,
it’s the talk of the town, Mamesh tug un nacht!

I told my chavrusa I buy ties from Calvin Klein,
because Les mahn dipalig, he’s a gadol in design.
He told me, “Zei nit narash!” that was once amol before,
Lekuli alma Gucci is now the gadol hador!

Yeshivishe reid, Yeshivishe shprach!
Takeh, Epis, Gradeh, ah gevaldige zach!
It’s called Yeshivishe reid, Yeshivishe shprach,
it’s the talk of the town, Mamesh tug un nacht!

I asked my Mashgiach, could he borrow me his car,
He told me, “Yes, Avadeh, but you won’t get very far!”
I said “Then it’s an Onus if to Seder I’ll be late”,
“No”, he said, “I’m Makpid- Ein Somchin Al Hanes!”

Yeshivishe reid, Yeshivishe shprach!
Takeh, Epis, Gradeh, ah gevaldige zach!
It’s called Yeshivishe reid, Yeshivishe shprach,
it’s the talk of the town, Mamesh tug un nacht!

Did you hear the Shailah that’s been the latest Hock?
I heard there’s not one Posek that wants to give a Psak…
But sitting with my Cholent after Mishmar Thursday night,
I saw the Tshuvah was Befeirush In the Reader’s Write!!!

I’d like to be Mesayeim with one last Kurzte Vort,
It’s really Mamish Vichtig to give Oorah your support.
And when Moshiach comes, no more will people Lach,
‘Cuase then Yeshivish will become the universal Shprach!!!

Yeshivishe reid, Yeshivishe shprach!
Takeh, Epis, Gradeh, ah gevaldige zach!
It’s called Yeshivishe reid, Yeshivishe shprach,
it’s the talk of the town, Mamesh tug un nacht!