WE CAN MAKE IT RIGHT- Sruli Williger- Composed By Yerachmiel Begun- We Can Make It Right

Can we hear the cries, the pain of the children,
And the fear of families?
Do we know the struggle so many people are living?
Look around and see the burdens of our brothers, grave responsibilities.
Do we lend a hand or care to find the time worth giving, worth giving?

Is this the time for introspection,
To keep our proper goals in sight,
Can we make it right?

We learned when we were young that one must deal with others
as you have them deal with you,
But sadly, now that skill has been diminished here in our time.

Slander is so widespread, arrogance abounds,
Forgotten what’s a Torah Jew.
Our lips are filled each day with words that aren’t pure,
They’re not fine, and so unkind.

So how can He accept our Tefillos,
And help to make our future bright,
We must make it right!

Stand together with one heart,
Ke’ish echod, like from the start,
Then we hope Hashem will see true unity and harmony.
There can be true brotherhood,
Our connection understood,
As one, our voice could reach the sky,
And open wide, the gates on high.

Each and every one can picture in their minds,
A vision of that special Yid,
The glow upon his face, his Torah learning integrates it.

Achdus were the very many acts of chesed,
So each kindness that he did,
Whenever he would speak,
He’d ponder every word he stated, yes, he waited.

He lived the life so plain and simple,
With patience and humility,
How life was meant to be.

Is it all a game we play against each other,
How far can we expect to go,
Where we lost a real compassion,
No one knows.

How come sensitivity’s been changed,
And now we don’t know what’s right from wrong,
Are we unaware that Achdus keeps our nation strong,
It’s been too long.

It’s time for us to draw a line,
With one that we can stand behind.
We can make it right!

Let’s stand together with one heart,
Ke’ish echod, like from the start,
Then we hope Hashem will see
True unity and harmony.
One thing we should always know,
Called bein adam lechaveiro,
The Beis Hamikdash was destroyed.
Can we now, come fill the void?

It’s time for us to take a stand,
And really start to take command,
We can make it right!

Stand together with one heart,
Ke’ish echod, like from the start,
Then we hope Hashem will see true unity and harmony.
There can be true brotherhood,
Our connection understood,
As one, our voice could reach the sky,
And open wide, the gates on high.

Be’ezras Hashem,
We can make it right!