TO’AMEHA- Joey Newcomb- Composed by The Blumstein Brothers- How Aw Ya Reb Yid

,לְחַיִּים לְחַיִּים, לְכָבוֹד שַׁבָּת
לְחַיִּים לְכָבוֹד שַׁבָּת

טוֹעֲמֶיהָ, טוֹעֲמֶיהָ
,לְכָבוֹד שַׁבָּת
טוֹעֲמֶיהָ, טוֹעֲמֶיהָ
לְכָבוֹד שַׁבָּת קוֹדֶשׁ

Heilige Chevra, let me tell about the Heilige Reb Aharon Karliner
He would sit Friday night and he would look at all the Yidden
and he would say:
“Maybe you tasted the fish for Shabbos.
Maybe you tasted the soup for Shabbos.
Maybe you tasted the chicken for Shabbos.”
Then he would look at everyone and he would say:
“Did anybody here, did anyone taste Shabbos?
Did anyone taste Shabbos for Shabbos?
So צוזאַמען Chevra, let’s taste Shabbos together,
let’s taste Shabbos together. So sing with me:
טוֹעֲמֶיהָ, חַיִּים זָכוּ
טוֹעֲמֶיהָ חַיִּים זָכוּ

טוֹעֲמֶיהָ, טוֹעֲמֶיהָ
,לְכָבוֹד שַׁבָּת
טוֹעֲמֶיהָ, טוֹעֲמֶיהָ
לְכָבוֹד שַׁבָּת קוֹדֶשׁ