CAN YOU LEND A HAND- Uncle Moishy- Composed by Dina Storch- Welcome

Can you lend a hand
Can you share what’s yours
Can you give away a little to the hungry and the poor?

Do you know how to share
To show you really care
Chesed, oh chesed everywhere.

Oh – I’m so little but still, I know
The little things that I can do will grow and grow
So I keep trying harder – I open my eyes
And find a chesed just my size!

Yes , I will put a penny in my pushka
And help my friend get up if he does fall
I’ll run to hold the door when my father comes home
And then I will not stop – not at all
I’ll help my little sister connect her new blocks
And keep her tower steady and tall.

My parents both agree
That even little me
Can carry some groceries home from the store.

And I can show my tricks
To my neighbor who is sick
That is what good neighbors are for.

Oh – I’m so little but still, I know
The little things that I can do will grow and grow
So I keep trying harder – I open my eyes
And find a chesed just my size!

So, come along and help me find a chesed
A favor for another we can do
A chesed is a kindness we do for someone else
But in the end we’re happy – me and you!
Yes, when I do a chesed, Hashem looks at me and smiles
Bringing happiness in my direction too!