LEIBELE- Avrumi Flam- Composed By Dina Storch- There’s A Place In My Mind

It was time, it was time for Leibele
That special day had come,
He’d be learning Gemara for the very first time
That special day had come.

Father walked into the Seforim closet
A Judaic store it was not,
3 or 4 shelves and a Mocher Seforim
One of each volume of Seforim in print.

Father asked, “Do you have a Gemara?
A Gemara Bava Metziah?
My Leibele will be starting, I’m proud as can be
If you have what I need, please sell it to me”.

“The Gemara was sold to a woman
She came just minutes ago.”
Father’s face fell, but then he heard him tell
That woman was someone you know very well.

She asked me: “Do you have a Gemara?
A Gemara Bava Metziah?
My Leibele will be starting, I’m proud as can be
If you have what I need, please sell it to me.”

Father raced through the streets and caught up with her
A Gemara she proudly held,
Mother smiled and beamed as she showed him her find
Yes, he knew this Eishes Chayil well.

“How is it that you slipped out, my dear
And how, pray tell, did you pay?
The cupboards are empty, you complained just yesterday.
You paid for this Gemara. What did you give away?”

“I gave away the pin I’ve always worn
The one you bought when Leibele was born,
I know that this Gemara will bring me much joy
As I watch my Leibele, my Gemarakup, my boy.”

“And how is it that you slipped out, my dear
And how, pray tell, would you pay,
My pockets are empty- you answered just yesterday
You came to buy this Gemara. What did you sell today?”

“I sold the watch, the Chosson watch I’ve saved
The one you bought when we were both engaged,
I know that this Gemara will bring me much joy
As I watch my Leibele, my Gemarakup, my boy.”

Mother asked: “Do you have a Gemara?”
Father asked: “A Bava Metziah?”
“Our Leibele will be starting, we’re proud as can be
If you have what we need, sell it to us please.”

“I want to pay; the Mitzvah is mine
וְשִׁנַּנְתָּם לְבָנֶיךָ, we say it all the time.”
“I’ve already paid, the Zechus is mine
נשים במאי זכיין, it’s a Mitzvah of mine.”

“I suggest we each pay half the price
A compromise would be rather nice!”
And so it was- they split the bill
And with tears in their eyes,
They both held the Gemara
They carried their prize.

They arrived at the door, a Gemara in their hands
Oh, the joy as the boy kissed it and began to dance,
What a Zechus that they shared
This young couple- a special pair.

What a Nachas to the Aibishter
When Torah is so dear!

Mother asked: “Do you have a Gemara?”
Father asked: “A Bava Metziah?”
“Our Leibele will be starting, we’re proud as can be
If you have what we need, sell it to us please.”
