MY BAKERY- Shmuel Kunda- The Longest Pesach

My bakery, my bakery
Come in and try my recipe
Simon says
My rolls and bread
Will keep the Jews well fed.

Our bakery, our bakery
Come in and try our recipe
Simon says
Our rolls and bread
Will keep the Jews well fed.

My bakery, my bakery
Oh, I’m so full of fakery
They’ll each eat one
Delicious bun
And I’ll just watch the fun.

Our bakery, our bakery
Oh, we’re so full of fakery
They’ll each eat one
Delicious bun
And we’ll just watch the fun.

My bakery, my bakery
There’s no way that they can catch me
Oh, let them scream
They’ll never dream
It was my rotten scheme.

Our bakery, our bakery
There’s no way that they can catch me
Oh, let them scream
They’ll never dream
It was our rotten scheme.

That bakery, that bakery
Of Simon’s tricks and fakery
His plot did fail
He made no sale
And ended up in jail.

That bakery, that bakery
Is closed for goodness sakery
Hashem we bless
He made a Ness
And saved us from a mess.